The whole “hipster” thing is a bit fascinating and strange because new things made to look like old things are made to be cool and hip…and expensive. Which is odd to me because my old things rarely were expensive, and rarely were they cool. But now “vintage” is cool if its new, and you’re making a statement.
But what kind of statement are you making when you buy something like this:

According to the company website, Urban Outfitters offers “a lifestyle-specific shopping experience for the educated, urban-minded individual in the 18 to 30 year-old range”. Why does an 18-year-old need these? Why does anyone need these?
Better yet, what kind of brand statement are you trying to make when you sell stuff like this?
Last night I spent a few delightful hours with a few delightful women talking about how this world is going to hell. Girls dressing like prostitutes. Grown women dressing like little girls. Pastors referring to their spouses as their “smokin’ hot wives” and honestly believing that is a compliment. (It really, really isn’t.) Some of those same pastors refusing to be taught by women because their God-given femininity gets in the way but books written by women are generally OK because the woman isn’t in the room.
And that rant actually has something to do with this ridiculous stuff Urban Outfitters is selling.
Bratz dolls. Baby doll dresses on grown women. White evangelical pastors talking about their “smokin’ hot wives”. John Piper and his stance on learning from women. None of it is OK. I am so tired of trying to keep a sense of humor in a world that has lost its marbles. I know there is at least a few others tired and outraged because a dear friend let me know about syringe shot shooters through another blog post.
Seriously. When did selling hipster drug paraphernalia become OK? This isn’t a Domo toaster (which I saw on the UA website and thought, “That would make breakfast awesome!”). This along with a few other items on the website make prescription drug abuse a tongue-in-cheek gag, and that is so wrong. The target audience might officially be 18-30 year olds, but as a mother of two teenagers I’m not stupid, even if UA thinks I am. The actual audience is younger. And even with parents hovering over them like helicopters they are soaking up images, messages, values, ideas faster than we can protect them because the grown-ups who care can’t keep up with this stuff, and the grown ups who don’t care will sell it to you.
Real drugs or hipster versions.
I am so tired of this kind of garbage. Are you? Please tell me some of you are.
E-mail the CEO and chairman of Urban Outfitters, Richard A. Hayne:
Or keep the US Postal Service busy and send snail mail to the company:
Urban Outfitters Inc.
5000 South Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19112-1495
Do you tweet? How about connecting @UrbanOutfitters
Or comment on Facebook.
E-mail Oona McCullough, their Director of Investor Relations at
No plans right now? How about emailing the board of directors and other important people who care about profits.
And by the way, the same company owns Anthropologie and Free People.
My parents still tell me that here in America the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Here in America, corporate America pays attention to the bottom line and they now also have to manage their social media presence. We have a voice…it gets louder when others join us.
(Credit goes to My Life as 3D for blogging about this first.)
If people feel what Urban Outfitters is doing is wrong, they can “Like” this Facebook page I created, too. There is power in numbers.